Emergency Management

Alex Wilson
Emergency Management Coordinator
East Hopewell Township, York County PA
717-817-2503 cell
Emergency Management Plan
This document is under construction. More to follow in the coming months. For now…
If the Emergency Operations Center for the township is activated, the township will be notified (unless request by the township) and a notice will be posted to this website and the East Hopewell Township Community Chat Group on Facebook (click here for link).
If the township experiences a severe event which causes a lot of damage, here is how you can help…
1. If you see lines down, do not go near. If there is a pole near where you are, try to get the pole number and call 911 to report this.
2. Report road issues (trees / debris on the road, flooding) to the township at 717-993-6529. Be sure to let them know if you see lines down.
3. If you have personal emergencies like severe structural damage, fire, life threatening situations, etc, call 911.
4. Once you have time to sort your situation out and make sure your family is safe, please contact the Emergency Management Coordinator to report the damage by either email or text. Please include your name, address and phone number. The Emergency Coordinator will respond as quickly as possible.
The goal of the Emergency Coordinator is to make a complete tour of the affected areas within the first 36 hours. (Note, this is not always possible, if the Emergency Coordinator is also affected.) Due to the limited time to report to YCOEM / PEMA / FEMA, the initial tour will be very focused on the worst hit areas and will be very high level. Quick assessment, some quick photos, then come back for more details once we have our initial reports in.
You can help us a lot…
The York County Office of Emergency Management is asking property owners to file damage reports to see if the county qualifies to possibly get financial help from the state or the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). If you have not already reported your damage, please do so by using the Individual Damage Reporting Tool. You can find this tool by visiting yorkcountypa.gov and searching ‘Damage Reporting’.
Damage includes: structure damage, foundation collapse, water in basements and living areas, private lane and bridge washouts, loss of personal belongings, water logged appliances and utilities. After damages are recorded and evaluated, financial assistance in the form of grants and low interest loans MAY be available. Those without internet access may contact our office, Monday-Friday, 8am-4:30pm to report damages.
The Emergency Coordinator will follow up as needed.