Planning Commission
The Planning Commission meets as needed the 2nd Thursday of each month at 7:30pm.
The Commission is comprised of East Hopewell Township residents who are charged with preparing, recommending, and administering subdivision, land development, and planned residential development regulations.
All meetings take place at the East Hopewell Township Building.
While the Planning Committee is discussing agenda items, comments and questions from attendees will not be recognized or addressed, unless the attendee is called upon or the attendee is on the agenda for the topic being discussed. Attendees must sign in on the provided sign-in sheet to be recognized by the Planning Commission. If a motion is made by the Planning Commission on any issue, there will be a public comment period held prior to the vote. The Planning Committee makes recommendations to the Board of Supervisors for their consideration. Any matters addressed by the Planning Commission are used for this purpose.

Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes
Minutes are posted after they are approved by the Planning Commission at the next public meeting