Trash/Recycling Services
East Hopewell Township has an exclusive contract with Republic Services.
​Republic is collecting trash only from your residence
Service is for one 96-gallon cart for trash, being serviced 1x a week. This is the only service option.
You are also permitted to set one bulk item out per week. To do this, call Republic at 800.210.9675 to schedule the bulk item.
​​Trash pick up at your residence is not mandatory; however, you must use the contracted waste collection company if you have a trash service.
If you would like to recycle -
Recycling Dumpsters are available at the Township Building for Recycling Drop Off.
East Hopewell Township Residents are not required to recycle.
Quarterly Rate January 1-December 31, 2025
An additional 96-gallon cart is available at an additional $66/quarter
​Quarterly Rate January 1-December 31, 2026
​An additional 96-gallon cart is available at an additional $72/quarter
To begin service, pay your bill, or ask a question or report a missed pick up, contact
Republic at
800-210-9675 or​
Trash Issues
If you have a re-occuring or unresolved trash issues after reporting issues to Republic Services, contact the township by e-mail at with a full description of the issue.

Solid Waste is collected on Thursdays
in East Hopewell Township.
Holidays and snow days may delay pickup by one day.
Cart Setout Rules:
Face carts toward the street with wheels
against the property line the night before
or by 5 a.m. on your scheduled service day.
Allow at least 3 feet between carts and 6 feet
between carts and other objects
(mailboxes, trees, basketball hoops, cars, etc.)
Make sure lids are securely shut.
Materials should not extend beyond the cart rim.
Do not place hot ashes, dirt, rocks, concrete or
hazardous items in your carts.
Reasons waste may not be collected:
Overfilled or overweight cart
Insufficient space to service cart
Unacceptable material in cart
Cart too far from curb
Car blocking cart
Small tree or brush
Cart facing the wrong direction
Recycling Drop Off
is available at the
Township Building.
The Recycling Containers are located on the left side of the Township Building.

Bulk Items:
Each residence may set out one bulk item each week.
​If you are not sure if your item is acceptable,
or for any other customer service issues,
please call
Republic Services
Customer Service Department at
What is considered a Bulk Item?

Do not place trash or plastic bags in the Recyling Container- this will damage the sorting machines.
Electronic Recycling is available at the York County Resource Recovery Center

Electronic Recycling in York County
Electronics recycling is free for residents at the York County Resource Recovery Center
Monday - Friday 8am to 4pm & Saturday 8am- 12pm
For a complete list of accepted items visit York County Resource Recovery Center website
By Law, Some Electronics MUST Be Recycled
Some electronics cannot be disposed of in the trash due to the toxic metals they contain. The Covered Device Recycling Act makes computer recycling and TV recycling mandatory in Pennsylvania, including:
Computer Monitors
Computer Peripherals (Keyboard, Mouse, Printer, etc.)